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The Actual Microwedding Ceremony
Legal Requirements for Getting Married in Vermont
Marriage License: To marry in Vermont, you must obtain a marriage license from a town clerk's office. Both parties must apply in person. There is no residency requirement, so you do not have to be a Vermont resident. No blood tests are required.
Age: Both parties must be at least 18 years old. Minors aged 16 or 17 may marry with parental consent, and those under 16 require a court order.
Identification: You will need to provide valid photo identification, such as a driver's license or passport.
Waiting Period: There is no waiting period in Vermont, meaning you can marry as soon as you obtain the license.
License Fee: There is a fee for the marriage license which is currently $80. The license is valid for 60 days from the date it is issued. During that time an authorized person must perform your wedding ceremony — otherwise, the license is void.
Witnesses: Vermont requires at least one witness, but you can have more if you wish.
Officiant: Your marriage can be officiated by a Vermont-registered officiant, including judges, justices of the peace, ministers, or priests. Friends or family members can also officiate if they become authorized for a day through the Secretary of State's office. More information on becoming an officiant in Vermont or if having a micro-wedding at The Woodshed Lodge or Janski Manor, we can provide some recommendations of licensed officiants in our Jay Peak area of Northern Vermont
Ceremony: You must have a ceremony with verbal consent from both parties in front of the officiant and witnesses. Vermont does not have specific requirements for the ceremony's content.
License Return: The officiant is responsible for completing the marriage license and returning it to the town clerk's office where it was issued after the wedding.
Traditional Vow
"I, [Your Name], take you, [Partner's Name], to be my lawfully wedded [wife/husband], to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part."
A Vow of Friendship
"Today, I not only marry the love of my life but also my best friend. I promise to laugh with you, cry with you, and grow with you. I will be there to listen when you need to talk, and to hold you when you need comfort. I vow to be your partner in all things, your confidant, and your greatest supporter."
Promise of Partnership
"I promise to stand by your side, through all of life's challenges and joys. I vow to be your partner in adventure, your comfort in times of sorrow, and your ally in times of need. With you, I am home, and I promise to cherish and love you for all my days."
Unconditional Love
"I take you to be my [wife/husband], to have and to hold, from this day forward. I promise to love you without reservation, to support you in your goals, and to cherish you each and every day. I vow to be your unwavering partner in life's journey."
Personalized Vow
"I promise to laugh with you in times of joy, and comfort you in times of sorrow. I promise to always cherish and respect you, to be your partner in all things, and to be your biggest cheerleader in life's adventures."
Shared Dreams
"With this ring, I give you my heart. I promise to dream with you, to celebrate with you, and to build our future together. I vow to support your dreams and make them my own. Together, we will create a life filled with love, laughter, and endless possibilities."
Feel free to mix and match, or personalize these wedding vows to create something truly unique and meaningful for your microwedding. Your vows should reflect your love, values, and the promises you want to make to your partner as you embark on this beautiful journey together which starts in northern Vermont.
The information above is intended to convey general information only and not
to provide legal advice.